Friday, May 22, 2020

Would World Affairs Be More Peaceful If Women Dominated...

Would World Affairs Be More Peaceful If Women Dominated Politics? A recent addition to the study of international relations is the idea of gender and the difference it may have on political beliefs and actions. The argument is rooted in the concept that women are not as prone to violence and war as men, and therefore would lead the world in a more peaceful direction than it is currently going. To make this assumption, one would have to suppose that there are fundamental biological differences between men and women and that these differences result in behavioral variations as well. This is exactly what Francis Fukuyama does in his article Women and the Evolution of World Politics in the Taking Sides text. For the counter side of†¦show more content†¦In his essay, a study was cited that concluded boys were more aggressive than girls. Psychologist Judith Bardwick has conducted studies and also found this to be true. However, she contends that this research does not lead to the findings that girls are passive and nonaggressive (Bardwick). She states that to say boys are more aggressive does not mean that girls are not (Bardwick). Nonetheless, Fukuyama declares that a truly matriarchal world, then, would be less prone to conflict...than the one we inhabit now. Mary Caprioli argues against Fukuyamas claims that a female dominated society would be more peaceful. She says that though there may be a gender gap in the support for war, this is not due to womens natural instincts to be passive and non-violent. Traditionally, women have not had the power, or even the choice, to act violently. Violence is simply not an option for them. This is why it may appear that survey results show that a majority of women are anti-war. The outcome of these polls are used by many to assert the idea that all or most women are more pacific and are opposed to violence. But there are flaws in this evidence. First, a survey conducted of solely western countries can hardly represent women on a worldwide scale. Second, in these polls wom en are likely to express no opinion rather than supporting war; this is not the same as being opposed to it. Most women are noticeably less interested or knowledgeable about warShow MoreRelatedScholars As Well As Public Figures Have Suggested That1674 Words   |  7 Pagespublic figures have suggested that a world run by women would, fundamentally, be a more peaceful and equal one. ladies, as the stereotype goes (and, actually, as a decent amount of empirical research suggests), tend to be more collaborative in work and leadership, more empathetic, and much, much less violent on an individual level. ,as Vice President Joe Biden recently suggested â€Å"foreign policy is a logical extension of personal relationships, â€Å"and if women are widely acknowledged to be canny atRead MoreLysistrat An Anti War Comedy1363 Words   |  6 Pagesharnesses the power of the Greek women by persuading them to withhold sexual privileges from their husbands and lovers as a means of driving the men toward peaceful negotiation. 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